Thursday, January 31, 2008

Rex's Surgery

Everything went really well on Friday with Rex's surgery. He was such a little trooper, and very brave through it all. I was so relieved that the weather cooperated, and we didn't have an ice storm to contend with. We had to be downtown at the Children's Pavilion surgery center by 6:30 in the morning! It took a couple of hours to do the pre-op stuff, and then they took him to the O.R. around 8:45. He was out of surgery about 20 minutes later, and came to us in the recovery area about 30 minutes after that. The whole process was very quick. We left the hospital around 11:00. As you can see by the pictures (sorry the quality is so poor...we forgot our camera and had to use Tim's phone to take the pictures), Rex was all smiles through the whole thing. He did not complain of any pain or discomfort (except when they took out the I.V....he said, "ouch!"), and thankfully the anesthesia did not make him sick. Thank you for your prayers!


Mama Jama said...

Leyna and I enjoyed viewing the slide show of Rex. We are all so glad that his surgery went well.

Kelly said...

I am so glad that everything went well! Rex looks so cute in the pictures--I love the one where he is getting loopy from the meds. I think one of the hardest times we have ever laughed as parents was watching Carson after he had taken the same kind of medicine before having his tonsils removed. It really lightened the mood in the room that morning.

Meriann said...

I must be just a little out of the loop. What surgery did Rex have? I'm glad all is well.

Meriann said...

I am glad all went well, but what surgery? I didn't realize this was going on.

Amye said...

Hi Meriann,
Rex had outpatient surgery last Friday to remove his adenoids and put in a new set of ear tubes. It was very minor, but had to be done under general anesthesia. Thanks for your well wishes.