Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Fun!

We had a wonderful Easter weekend in Burnet. On Saturday, we went to my cousin's ranch for an Easter bash. We had a great lunch, and then hunted Easter eggs. After that, the kids did a pinata, and got buckets full of goodies. Rex and Mara had a blast! The kids hunted eggs left by the Easter bunny early on Sunday morning. Then, it was off to church in Marble Falls, and then back to Burnet for a traditional Easter lunch. I felt very blessed to celebrate Easter with so many family members. We were also blessed with nice weather for the drive back home to McKinney on Sunday evening.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Rex's B-Day

What a fun time! Rex turned six on March 8th. We began his birthday celebration with breakfast at IHOP on Saturday morning. The kids ordered "Who Cakes"...pancakes topped with blueberry syrup, mini chocolate kisses, and with a pink sucker on top...this is a special item on the menu in promotion of the new Dr. Seuss movie. They were the perfect birthday breakfast food. Then, Rex had his birthday party on Sunday at The Zone. The kids had a blast bouncing, climbing, sliding, and fighting with the jousting poles. Then, they enjoyed pizza and cake followed by games. It was a fabulous weekend!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Snow Fun

Click the play button above to watch a video clip of Mara making a snow angel. It's too cute!

Here are the pictures from snow storm number two of last week. Talk about wild weather! We were playing in snow on Thursday, and didn't even need a coat by Sunday. It has been a lot of fun though. We all enjoyed playing in the winter wonderland.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Giant Snowflakes

The snowflakes were massive yesterday afternoon. I've never seen such huge flakes of snow in my life. It really was a beautiful sight. Enjoy the video clip. I will try to post some more pictures of our snow fun soon.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Crazy Weather!!!

We've had some insane weather here this week. Sunday night it was 68 degrees at 8:00pm as we drove home from our Bible study. 24 hours after that it was snowing a blizzard in my yard!...okay a slight exaggeration. But seriously, our yard was totally white by the time I went to bed on Monday night.

Rex's school had a two hour delay in start time so he had a great time in the white stuff. He was as cold as a popsicle when he came in from playing in the snow, but said, "That was a blast!" He has been wishing that it would snow all winter. I am so glad that he got the chance to play in some this year. I think he might have had an ulterior motive though because he asked me if Santa would be arriving soon. I think he was hoping that he might get to celebrate Christmas again if only it would snow and Santa would make a return trip to Texas...Talk about wishful thinking! I informed him that it would be some time before Santa would pay us another visit.

I'm really glad that Rex had the delay in his school day because otherwise he would not have been able to play in the snow. There was not a snowflake to be found by the time he got home Tuesday afternoon. Today (Wednesday) has seen beautiful weather. I did not even wear a jacket because it was so sunny and pleasant, but they say that change is on the way. It is supposed to rain and turn cold again tomorrow. They are even saying that it might snow again!...Like I said...CRAZY WEATHER!