Friday, September 5, 2008

Back to School

Rex went back to school on August 25th. I can't believe that he is old enough for 1st grade! I am very happy that he is in Mrs. Quisenberry's class. Everyone says that she is a wonderful teacher. She has the sweetest disposition, and always has a smile on her face. She actually used to be our next-door neighbor (before Rex was born). It's nice to get connected with her again.

Rex has just completed his second week of school, and everything seems to be going well. He has received stamps in his take-home folder every day as well as earned several "paw points" for good behavior. I am very proud of his efforts thus far.

He lost his third tooth at school on Thursday. This was a surprise to me because I did not even realize that this tooth was very loose. The tooth fairy has been working overtime at our house this month, and Rex is really going to have a challenging time eating with such a large gap in his mouth.

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