Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Lost Tooth

Rex lost his first tooth on Thursday night. It was getting very loose, and the permanent tooth was already beginning to pop up behind the baby tooth. He worked hard to loosen up the baby tooth, and even tried to get it to come out by biting into an apple...no luck.

Then, at supper, we were all sitting around the table eating when he bit into a soft piece of garlic bread. He looked up in alarm, and I could see a little blood on his bread and in his mouth where the tooth had been. Sure enough, the tooth came out in that bite of bread, and he swallowed the bite, tooth and all! I looked closely at the remaining piece of bread, and we searched his mouth, but the tooth was never found...So he literally lost his first tooth.

Thankfully, he was not upset by these turn of events. He was relieved that it did not hurt or bleed much, but most of all he was relieved that the Tooth Fairy would still be able to visit him eventhough the tooth was lost.

The Tooth Fairy did pay him a visit on Thursday night, and left him two gold dollars for the lost tooth.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Birthday

Well, I am officially 33 years old now. My birthday was on Sunday, but I got to celebrate all weekend!

I had a wonderful day on Saturday. It started out with me taking the kids to the grandparents for an overnight visit on my way to get a massage. The massage was lovely, and set the tone for the rest of the day. After that, Tim and I went to the gym. We enjoyed the pool, and then got ready for a nice evening out. We then went to see "Mama Mia", and then on to dinner at The Melting Pot. I love this place. The atmosphere is so fun, and the food is unique and delicious. I also love that it takes a long time to enjoy the full dining experience. We were there almost three hours by the time we finished our meal, but it really went by quickly as we were having such a great time.

Then, on Sunday, I enjoyed Starbuck's for breakfast before heading to church. After worship, we ate lunch at the new Cotton Patch Cafe with Tim's parents and friends from church. I treated myself to a nap on Sunday afternoon. Then, we had a great time at our small group Bible study get together. It was so nice to be back with our group after being out of town for the past month...Thanks to Clint and Jenny for the birthday cake!

I am grateful to everyone who helped me celebrate my birthday in style!

Friday, July 18, 2008

On the GO, GO, GO!!!

Wow! I can't believe how long it has been since I have posted a new blog entry. I'm so sorry for letting time slip by this summer. We have been so busy that I just haven't had time to update it. I promise to do better from now on.

Here's a little recap of our fun summer...

June was packed full of activities. We started out with the kids taking swim lessons in Plano. Then, the next week we were busy with VBS. The next week we all went our separate ways. Mara stayed the week with Grandma and Grandpa, Rex went to Burnet to stay with Grana and Papa, and Tim and I flew to Mexico for our trip to Isla Mujeres. (I'll post an entry about our trip soon) We got back from our trip just in time to wash up our clothes, repack our suitcases, and head to the Barnett family reunion over the 4th of July weekend. Then, we had another special family get together with the Dooley clan this past weekend. It's been non-stop busy, but we've been having a blast!

I am grateful that our pace is slowing down a little bit now. We have gone swimming at the pool a lot this week, and Rex has day camp for the next two weeks starting Monday. It's nice to finally be settling down into a summer routine.